Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Travel Bug got into me at a very early age. Was it because my father is a diplomat and I spent all my youth in different places ? No, not really. I met my Travel Bug when I was nine in the form of a picture. What I saw on that picture in the glossy pages of a magazine struck my young imagination; there were high  mountains touching the clouds,  rocky mountains, and among them,  there were the ruins of an ancient city. I assumed the picture  was aerial  since the ruins were way below the place from which the photograph was taken. And it said : Macchu Picchu. I had no idea then where this place was and what it represented but it looked idyllic, with ruins perched among rough mountains.  And I said to myself : ‘’I will see this place before I die’’.
Then life got in the way, first school, later work and it is only at the age of 35 that I started travelling to places I wanted to see. But it took me a few more years to see the place that had entered my dreams when I was a child.
During the course of my travels I saw many more places that ‘’one should see before dying’’ and I want to share my impressions about those places with you. I will not tell you which plane or train to take to reach a certain destination , which hotel to stay in or where and what to eat since you will find this in any guidebook; nor will I tell you where to go since any tour program on the internet carries that information. I will simply tell you how I felt when I saw a certain place, or  relate some interesting event that happened  there. So this will be  a travelogue of  my impressions and feelings about the world .

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